How to Build a Work Culture That Will Grow Your Startup

Creating an environment of collaboration, motivation, and efficiency can be tough, but it’s vital to the success of any startup. Without the right culture in place, you can never grow your business into the company you want it to be, no matter how talented your employees are or how innovative your products are. Here are […]

Business Growth: Embracing Risk

The common goal of any business is, amongst other things, to scale and grow, but it’s important to understand that a key propeller of growth is managing risk. Survival often lies in managing and embracing it at every stage.

Supporting Your Business Growth: 3 Considerations for Expanding Your Team

The people that make up your business are your most valuable resource. In order to ensure your startup continues to thrive, it’s important to always assess whether your team is ready to expand or not.

Overcoming 3 Challenges that Impact Your Business’s Chance for Survival

Despite the current state of the world, it’s important to continue being resilient and striving for success. Preparing for the unexpected and building resiliency will not only facilitate your startup’s survival now but will also ensure longevity moving forward.

2020: The Need for Embracing Feminine Qualities in Leadership

One certain thing to come from this year is the need to re-evaluate the perceived makeup of a great leader. Traditionally, we’ve both sought and praised those that exhibit traits like overconfidence, assertiveness, and are authoritative.

Imposter Syndrome: The Impact on Women Leaders

Does this sound familiar? Feeling unqualified for the position you currently hold, skeptical of your worth, and questioning if your education and experience are enough. This causing you added anxiety and stress, negatively impacting your confidence, and a nagging need to ‘do more.’ If this rings a bell, you may be experiencing imposter syndrome. Although common in nature, there are aspects of imposter syndrome that disproportionately affect women. This can have a lasting impact on their careers, mental health, and confidence in overcoming challenges in the workplace.

Women in Leadership: 4 Motivating Success Stories

One thing we can all agree on is that 2020 seems to be a year that will go down as a long chapter in history books. With many tragic global health and societal issues surrounding us, it becomes apparent just how important leadership is. We can see it’s crucial, especially in times of hardship, to lead with compassion, empathy, understanding, and fairness.

Despite the troublesome year, several women have stepped up to show how pivotal feminine leadership qualities will be in overcoming many challenges we’re facing. Acceptance of, and successful adaptation to, our new normalcy will be ushered in by leaders who not only rise to the challenge of guiding, but uniting, people through difficult times.